Sing, Play, or Listen
We Love Music!
At Brookside, music is a priority and is at the forefront of our weekly worship. Our focus is on providing a top-quality, soul-centered experience, and we know music plays an integral part in that. Our singers and musicians are dedicated to making those moments a reality for each person attending worship, whether it be online or in person.
Our musical offerings are presented using a wide variety of styles and genres from classical to contemporary and everything in between. We primarily utilize the New Century hymnal for congregational singing because of its inclusive language but rely on the familiarity of traditional hymns from the Pilgrim hymnal as well. In addition, we are extremely fortunate to have outstanding instruments to support our ministry which includes 2 Steinway grand pianos as well as two 3-manual Austin organs.
All of our musicians/singers are committed to providing inspiration through various vocal and instrumental solos and ensembles. It is our hope that what we present each week will continue to touch the hearts and souls of those who hear it.
Everyone is invited to participate. We offer many opportunities to be involved in our unique ministry including but not limited to Chancel Choir (ages 15+) and the Brookside Youth Troupe. Rehearsal times are:
• Brookside Choir: Prior to the worship service
• Brookside Youth Troupe: See Troupe Leader for details.
If you would like to know more about offering your musical talents within our congregation and/or have suggestions for worship, please email our Co-Directors of Music, Ken and Kim Clark at

Our Sanctuary Organ
Brookside Church is the home of two Austin pipe organs located in the chapel and Sanctuary. The Sanctuary organ was donated by the late Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Carpenter Manning (1882- 1965) and was custom built by the Austin Organ Company in 1933 for the Franklin Street Church. It was moved to its present location without any significant changes in 1959 when the church moved to the Elm Street property also donated by Mary Manning.
A pipe organ produces sound by driving pressurized air (called wind) through pipes selected via keyboards (called manuals). Because each organ pipe produces a single pitch, the pipes are provided in sets (called ranks), each of which has a common timbre and volume throughout the keyboard compass. Most organs have multiple ranks of pipes of differing timbre, pitch and loudness that the player can employ singly or in combination through the use of controls (called stops). In the early 90’s the median sized organ was about 20 ranks. Our Sanctuary organ has approximately 50 ranks--a large organ by today’s standards. It is unique because it has more 8’ pipes than most organs built in the same period, and therefore provides a much greater range and richness of sound and powerful volume.
The Sanctuary organ has been tuned and restored through many generous donations and grants from the Cogswell Benevolent Trust and the Madelaine G. von Weber Trust.