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Called to Care

Helping in Times of Need 

Called to Care

The Called to Care Ministry is a large group of volunteers who show their care and compassion for members and friends of our congregation in times of need and in times of celebration. 

Volunteers send cards to those experiencing grief, illness, and isolation, and to those celebrating birthdays and graduations. Cards are donated and are sometimes hand-crafted for this intergenerational ministry.

Prayer shawls and baby afghans are lovingly knitted and crocheted by members and given with prayers to those receiving them.

Visitation teams reach out to the homebound and hospitalized offering conversation and prayer.  Rev. Fran Hakenson can deliver the sacrament of Holy Communion during visits.  When visits cannot be made, volunteers make phone calls to stay in touch. 

Flower arrangements from the worship service are donated and delivered to the homebound and hospitalized to brighten their day.

Meals are provided to those in need of compassion and support.  This ministry responds in different ways but always offers the love of Christ.


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