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Here are some suggestions if you are  new to Brookside.

Follow Brookside on FaceBook where you will find our Livestreamed service at 10 am on Sundays.  If you are not on FaceBook, a link to the recording will be posted on the Worship tab after the completion of the service.

Provide us with your name and email address so that you can receive Rev. Laura’s spiritual reflections during the week and our e-newsletter called The Bridge which is published on Tuesday. You can email to get on the email list or fill out a contact card.

Attend a Zoom or in person Fellowship event.


Volunteer.  If you have a special interest, share that with Reverend Laura.  Participating is the easiest way to meet people. 


If you have questions, contact the church office.

Visit: Services
Communion-at-home (1).HEIC
Visit: About
Visit: Services
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